After posting a record 55.4 billion pounds in total sales in 2009, it’s been all downhill for the beverage milk category. Last year, fluid milk sales totaled 46.4 billion pounds
As weather conditions around the world change, farmers are tasked with producing food in ways that conserve resources and do more good than harm for the environment
With a general goal to produce more renewable energy, windmills and solar panels have become an increasingly common sight when driving through rural landscapes
On this Labor Day holiday, people may be enjoying a day off from their job to relax and celebrate the unofficial closing of summer. But for many essential workers, that’s simply not possible
While I was working on chores in our robot barn the other morning, I watched as the sun began to wake up, slowly transforming the sky from a star-speckled deep denim blue to a magnificent display
Marilyn Hershey Many times when I am talking to strangers about what we do, I receive comments back about their grandfathers’ farms. This recently happened when I struck up a conversation with
Whether exercising, practicing your sport, or sighting in your rifle, repetition equates to power. We know this based upon experience. In exercising, repetitions build strength over time
After corn silage harvest, one huge job that has be completed promptly following chopping is covering piles and bunkers. This is a task that takes many hands and a lot of hard work
Picture movie-goers walking into a theater. Those people entering the theater were initially expecting to see a documentary film, but instead, an action movie begins, with surprises
Bill Weiss, a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University, presented “Estimating energy supply and requirements of dairy cows.”Although energy is usually the first limiting nutrient, dietary...